
We’re proud to provide FREE shipping on most orders shipped within the contiguous United States. For items shipped outside of the contiguous United States, additional freight costs and handling fees will apply, in which case we will use our preferred carriers to guarantee the least possible costs to you. You will always be able to review your shipping costs before checkout. Additional shipping surcharges may be assessed for remote shipping locations, highly congested locations, toll heavy locations, locations that required a ferry crossings or islands. If we’re unable to ship to your location, we’ll contact you by phone or email to make the necessary adjustments to your order. Estimated shipping dates are provided on product pages. To view any changes to your estimated shipping date(s), login into your PatioContract account and go to My Orders listed under the My Account section.

Standard Ground Shipping: Small Parcel FedEx and UPS Items

Based on the size and weight of your product, we’ll determine how it should be shipped. For small parcel items, we ship through FedEx or UPS. Most items shipped through FedEx or UPS are shipped without a signature required. To require a signature, please contact our customer service team by visiting our website.

Freight Delivery: Large or Oversized Items

For shipping large furniture and furnishings, we use a freight carrier service. Freight deliveries are typically made Monday through Friday anytime between 8 am and 5 pm, local time in the delivery time zone. For residential deliveries, you will be contacted by the freight carrier to set up a delivery appointment. Standard freight shipments are delivered curbside. If you would like to upgrade to white glove delivery service, you will have the option to do so at additional cost. Some freight deliveries require a signature.  Customers are responsible for inspecting their packages for visible damage before signing when a signature is required. If your item(s) have any visible damage, the damage must be noted with the freight carrier on the delivery receipt. Please inspect the boxes carefully as this will significantly expedite the claim process. Please refer to our Damaged/Defective Items policy for more details. Net Retailers is not responsible for shipping delays due to the fault of the manufacturer or delivery carrier.

White Glove Shipping

For more convenient delivery service, we offer white glove shipping. There are several options available with white glove shipping: front door delivery, room of choice, and room of choice plus light assembly and debris removal. Front Door Delivery means the driver will bring your items in over the threshold into the first dry area in your home. Room of Choice Delivery means the items will be delivered to the room of choice. Room of Choice Plus Assembly and Debris Removal Delivery lets you choose the room you want your items delivered to. Light assembly includes installation of small hardware and fixtures only. If you select an assembly option for your furniture delivery, your items will be sent with white glove carriers who are experienced with furniture assembly. You can choose the level of white glove service you prefer at the time of checkout. White glove shipping can be found at the checkout. If white glove service is not offered for your item(s), or a specific white glove delivery option is not available, please call us to request a custom white glove quote. We will do our best to accommodate you, but please be advised that not all requests are guaranteed.

Estimated Shipping Times

At the time the order is placed, an email with order confirmation is sent, which includes the approximate lead time for the order. Please be aware, shipping times are only estimated and can change based on product availability. Once the order is accepted by the manufacturer, we will send you an updated approximated ship date if it’s different from the original estimate that was communicated during order confirmation.


Damaged Items

If you receive a damaged product, you will have the option to refuse delivery and document specific damages to the product on the delivery receipt. Contact Us with the details of the damage so that we can return or exchange your merchandise. If the damage is not discovered immediately at the time of the delivery, we allow 10 business days after delivery for customers to send us a claim with supporting documentation and photos. This window might be extended with custom items. We’ll review and approve the claim within 10 business days. If the claim is approved, we’ll send you free replacement parts for the damaged goods at no additional cost to you.

Refused Delivery

Do not refuse delivery for products that are not damaged. If at the time of delivery product itself appears to be significantly damaged the order may be refused. Customers are responsible for all costs driven by a refused delivery for product not damaged.

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